Take a look at the boats that are for sale!

Hoek Classic 33

Hoek Classic 33

With her long over­hangs, ves­ti­gial coachroof and well-propor­tioned mast­head rig, this tim­ber built day­sailer is a gen­uine thing of beauty. She’s de­signed for sim­ple day­sailing, but there’s a choice of keels for lake sail­ing or coastal cruis­ing. Ac­com­mo­da­tion is min­i­mal but there’s plenty of sleep­ing space for two plus a sim­ple gal­ley and head.

Dagö 17

Dagö 17

Dagö 17 is lightweight and easily manageable wooden sailboat built for sailing in protected inshore waters, bays, lakes and rivers with wind up to Force 4 and wave height 0,3m. Gunter rigged Dagö 17 is built from a variety of wood types, including a special mahagony plywood, meant for maritime constructions. All metal parts are made from stainless steel and sails from world-renowned brand “North Sails”. The designer of the boat is an US naval architecht Arch Davis.